Archive for November 2021
Who’s Paying Higher Prices?
You may have noticed higher prices on the things you buy regularly, like groceries and gas. However, many consumers may not realize that economic factors such as backed-up supply chains,…
Read MoreThe China Connection
America’s outsourcing of manufacturing (and jobs) has been a sore point for many years. But now that there are logistics issues due to the pandemic – costing U.S. companies money…
Read MoreIs it Time for a Value Play?
The transition from growth to value and back to growth stocks often accelerated during the pandemic. Growth-oriented stocks usually outperform when the economy is on the rise. Therefore, growth stocks…
Read MoreHow to Evaluate a Stock
There are moments in history when people have claimed investment choices don’t matter because if the market is up across the board, you cannot fail. That is not true. In…
Read MoreSavings Strategies
Some people have no trouble saving money — they stash away any cash they don’t need, and their account grows and grows. These people usually aren’t very materialistic and don’t…
Read MoreSustainably Investing in Our Future
While extreme weather events typically affect only certain parts of the country, there is increasing concern that climate change will affect the overall economy – including our investment portfolios. For…
Read MoreHow Inflation Risk Can Affect You
Inflation is a steady rise in the price of goods and services over time and actually signals both good and bad economic conditions. On one hand, as prices rise, someone…
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